+44 (0)7562 736 192 groups@monalitravel.com


Who are we?



The founder of Monali Travel, was born in France. Whilst studying accountancy and secretary in Upper Secondary School, Myriam had the opportunity to go to England thanks to a school trip organised by her English teacher. This is when she discovered how much she loved the language, the country, its history and its values. Myriam also realised how much travelling plays a big part in opening your mind and opening your opportunities.


2003 was the start of the adventure! Myriam resigned from her accountancy job in France to live in London. Since 2005 Myriam has worked in the Group Travel industry for different inbound tour operators. Here she excelled in designing and organising school tours. Having happy agents or happy groups became her biggest satisfaction. The continuing trust and good feedback remain a delight.


In 2011, she went back to France and worked for an outbound travel agency specialised in educational trips and summer schools combined with host family accommodation. Here Myriam polished skills, learning not just about the relationship within the school structure, including those between teachers and parents but also the important logistical aspect such as booking a coach, being aware of an up-to-date with regulations, calculating the number of miles over the whole school trip, permitted driving times, speed allowances, mandatory breaks and rest periods, and finally how to proceed in case of a breakdown.


In 2018 she took the plunge and created Monali Travel in accordance with her beliefs. It took years of experience but also years of excitement.


So why choosing us? Wel,l when passion meets expertise, customer satisfaction is guaranteed!


We would like to give a big fat thank you to the webmaster Polaris  for his hard work, professionalism and patience.

Also a special thanks to the editor Gary Baker for his good command of English, eye for details and his kindness.

It has been a real pleasure to have worked with you. You are both gems!